Choosing the Perfect Engagement Rings in Albuquerque NM

by | Jun 24, 2024 | Jewelry

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If you are in need of Custom Engagement Rings in Albuquerque, NM is home to some of the finest jewelers in the state. They sell only the finest quality diamonds and will meet your expectations in every area of gold and diamond standards. It is important to know how to choose your engagement ring, as this ring is going to be on your finger or your spouse’s finger for many years to come. You will need to know what type of precious metal you want for the band, what type setting you would like and what gemstones you would like featured. Once you make these decisions, you will be better equipped to choosing the perfect ring.

The first option you need to decide is what type of metal will be used in your ring. Usually, people will choose from gold, silver or platinum. Gold, being the most popular choice, is always comprised of another metal to give it durability. Whether you pick the Standard Gold or White Gold, both are popular choices, keep in mind many times the white gold plating may wear off. If wearing occurs on your engagement rings jewelers can easily have the rings replated at little to no cost. Platinum is a very durable and hard material that seems to be dent resistant, although it is known to make your diamond look yellow and is usually not a very common material used for engagement rings. You want your diamond to stand out and not blend into the material used for the band. Next, you will choose your setting. The setting is simply what the gemstone will set in and can be pronged or invisible. You just need to make sure you choose a durable setting, as you do not want to loose your beautiful diamond. When choosing your diamond, make sure to remember the four C’s. Carat, Color, Clarity and Cut. Do your research beforehand and you will have no trouble picking out the perfect ring. For Engagement Rings in Albuquerque NM will have the finest gemstones available and professionals on hand to assist you in your decisions.

Make sure to search online for custom engagement rings in Albuquerque, NM and find a jeweler near you. Read the reviews and do your homework. You will be armed with knowledge when making your choice. This can be the most exciting time in your life and the ring will hold those memories forever. For more information, visit John Thomas Jewelers at